An introduction.

Hi! I'm Nova! You don't know me yet, but after this you'll know me well.
You'd think that some Midwestern 15 year old (FYI: I turn 16 in August) white boy wouldn't make a website for the life of him, but think again, because I did just that.
Who are you?
I'm Nova, I thought I made that clear.
What are your interests?
I'm generally interested in production logos (like the kind you see on movies, TV, home media, etc.), but I'm also into movies (hence the Letterboxd account), art, video games (especially Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario and Namco), and all that other good stuff. Anime is a minor interest of mine, too (My personal favorite is Ayane's High Kick if you're wondering).
What do you do for a living?
To be honest, I really don't know.
Do you have any friends?
Yes. Some of my friends include Puz and Alden.
I think that's all I have to say right now. Stay tuned for more entries!