
The number 2, the best invention in the world, until sliced bread came around. That doesn't stop massive media conglamorates from MILKING it to death.
Sequels are a staple in a media franchise, they're either:
- Not as good as the original.
- Just as good as the original. Or on the rare occasion...
- Better than the original.
But we're not talking about the quality of them, we're talking about sequels that don't have numbers anywhere in the title and/or are just chronologically confusing (by the way, check out James Rolfe's Angry Video Game Nerd video about sequel titles, it's pretty funny.)
Here are various examples of these kinds of sequel titles:
Movies are where sequels usually thrive, however, the titles sure are crazy.
Take the Rambo movies for example, the first film was just called First Blood, then the next one is called Rambo: First Blood Part II, and then there's a third one, and it's called Rambo III, dropping the "First Blood" part of the title, but the fourth one is just weird, because it's just called Rambo, in my opinion, sequel titles shouldn't ONLY have the name of the franchise, it's definitely going to confuse people. All things came in full circle with 2019's Rambo: Last Blood, which, in my opinion, fits.
Even the simplest of sequel format changes in a franchise could confuse unfamiliar people, take the Rocky franchise for example. The first four sequels had Roman numerals in their titles (hence that one Simpsons gag where Bart remembers Roman numerals from the franchise, "Rocky V plus Rocky II equals Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge".), the sixth movie broke the chain, as it was called Rocky Balboa. I hope the sixth Creed movie is called Adonis Creed.
I will not go into detail about the Halloween movies, because I'd probably pass out due to exhaustion.
My favorite sequel titles are that of the Naked Gun trilogy, due to their stupidity and creativity.

Remember, the second one has two "2"s, and the third one has three "3"s.
Video Games
Video game sequels are usually the best thing to happen to a video game, if your favorite game didn't get a sequel, it's probably gonna end up like poor old Mort the Chicken.
Let's talk about Kingdom Hearts, after all, it's just a game about some kid with a comically large key fighting shadows with Goofy and Donald, that can't be confusing at all, right?


No video game timeline is safe from being confusing, even the MARIO TIMELINE of all things has time travel. Why does the Mario timeline have time travel all of a sudden?
You know, just for laughs...
Nova's (hopefully) Definitive Sonic the Hedgehog Timeline
This will exclude side games like Sonic Spinball and Sonic Drift, by the way. Also, the Master System/Game Gear versions of Sonic 1 and 2 are also excluded, as they are most likely not canon, with the Sonic Origins cutscenes implying so.
Now you guys can shut up about the Sonic timeline! I hope you like it!
Good lord, that was a doozy, I'm gonna get some rest. Stay tuned for more!